
Sunday, September 16, 2007

First SEMCON in Manila

I and my friends were delighted after learning that there will be a SEM CON here in Manila. The first ever SEM CON! This SEM CON will surely help a SEO newbie like to excel in this field. Not only that it will benefit me but also my friends that are also into SEO. Ana, Dona, Delfin and Berny – I hope one of us will be able to go there.

Easy, huh? I was chatting with Ana and we were thinking of ways on how to convince them to give us the free tickets. Neither of us ends up with the perfect reason to convince them. Below are some parts of our conversation and hopefully this will also be my pass to the SEM CON.

ana: punta tau
jeffrey: tara
ana: 8500
jeffrey: ouch
ana: try natin
ana: malay mo
ana: makuha entry natin
ana: sayang un
ana: SEM na
jeffrey: oo ba! I want to go!

jeffrey: how about this "my mother is sick and I need to get into that seminar so I can be a better SEO then apply what I learned and be filthy rich. When I’m already filthy rich I will be able to send my mom to the hospital blah blah blah"
ana: hahahahahha
jeffrey: samahan mo pa ng linyang...
ana: sad story
jeffrey: alms... alms...
jeffrey: hahaha
ana: hahahahha
jeffrey: o kaya gawing podcast para may feelings..
jeffrey: hahahaha
ana: hahaha

Haha, things people will do just to snatch the free tickets to SEM CON. ALMS…ALMS… lol If you are interested to go to the SEM CON, Marc Macalua is giving away free tickets to the said event. All you have to do is:

1. Convince them why you deserve the free tickets
2. What you will do with the tips you’ll pick up at the conference.

So what are you waiting for? Try your luck now and give your best plea!

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