If you are looking for a cheap Halloween costumes here's a simple great idea you can try.
Can of Worms
- Cut a hole in the bottom of a pop-up hamper. You can find these at any adiscount stores. Then Spray paint it silver to make it look like a can. You should also make a jagged lid from the cardboard and glue it to a headband. You can write "Can of Worms" or any brand to make it more funny Halloween costume. You can use old pantyhose for the worms and stuff it with pillow batting or other materials you can find in your home. Spray paint the worms (use different colors) and put buttons on the head for the eyes. You can dress in black or use a body makeup and your good to go!
Bubble Bath
Cut a hole in the bottom of a laundry basket. Cover the sides with material or poster board to make it look like a bathtub. Glue an empty bubble bath bottle, a rubber ducky and other bathtub toys to the "tub." Put on a bathrobe, shower cap and slippers and step into the tub. Fill the tub with "bubbles" made of shiny pink, clear or white balloons.)
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