Stern photographed Marilyn Monroe in 1962 at the Hotel Bel-Air in California, six weeks before she was found dead from an overdose of barbiturates. Those images for Vogue magazine feature Monroe in next to nothing, posing nude with some scarves and jewelry as her accessories and sipping champagne. Now, the 21-year-old star of "Mean Girls" and "Freaky Friday" Lindsay Lohan is recreating one of Monroes famous photo shots. If you haven't seen the photos then we have one for you or you can always get a copy of Lindsay Lohan posing as Marilyn Monroe on the cover of the magazine's Feb. 25, 2008 issue. Does Lindsay Lohan also going to follow the footsteps and tragic end of the most famous blond bombshell Marilyn Monroe? Let's see...
Well, I am sure most of you guys have tried searching for her nude photo in New York Magazine and queries like "lindsay lohan new york magazine," "lindsay lohan marilyn monroe," and "new lindsay lohan pictures" will be one of the busiest phrases to be searched on the Internet. Who wouldn't search for those pictures specially if Lindsay Lohan posses like the image below... im speechless...

The pictures didn't looked like it was lindsay..
I didn't know, for me, it has no wowable effect.
nice post though :)
She is not Lohan mate...!but she's beautiful blonde.
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